Book Reviews – Andrew Robertson

By Andrew Robertson In   Issue Volume 6 No. 2

SSN- Strategies of Submarine Warfare Tom Clancy
Harper Collins: London 1996

This is a fiction work by Tom Clancy based on ‘SSN’. a CD-ROM game by Simon and Schuster Interactive. The book looks at 15 different submarine scenarios based on a limited regional war between China and the United States over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The USS CHEYENNE, an SSN, is involved in a series of battles with both surface ships and other submarines in the different scenarios. Everything from engaging Chinese battle groups to hunting and destroying a Russian Typhoon class SSBN are covered. Whilst the continued survival of USS CHEYENNE throughout the book is a little difficult to believe, Clancy has written an enthralling and comprehensive review of submarine tactics. The various battles appear to be realistically displayed and Clancy has obviously researched the submarine warfare strategies well with help from US Navy and RN submariners. The Chinese and Russian diesel electric submarines do not survive well in this book and one hopes our own submarines will perform much better in such a scenario. Overall, a good thriller which both blends the principles of submarine warfare into a realistic technothriller format and gives the reader sufficient ammunition to at least stir up their favourite submariner.