G. Dennis Shanks

Articles by G. Dennis Shanks

Importance of the Spleen to Survival from P falciparum

Abstract: P falciparum infections carry a considerable mortality risk, but the nature of the ‘immunity’ gained from infection experience is uncertain. Although anaemia may contribute some protection against mortality, the function of the spleen appears critical to controlling P falciparum parasitemia and increasing survival. Melanesian reports suggest that survival advantages of P vivax infections and… Read more »

By G. Dennis Shanks In   Issue Importance of the Spleen to Survival from P falciparum

Murray Valley Encephalitis as ‘X’ Disease in Australia

The conclusion is therefore justified that the cases of ‘mysterious disease’ occurring in Queensland and New South Wales are caused by the same virus as acute poliomyelitis. Anton Breinl, 19181 Clinical diagnostic technology has steadily improved since the revolutionary advancements in medicine and biology of the 19th Century, led by Louis Pasteur. By the time… Read more »

By G. Dennis Shanks and John Aaskov In   Issue Murray Valley Encephalitis as ‘X’ Disease in Australia

Acute Schistosomiasis: The ‘Fluke’ That Saved Taiwan

Abstract Acute schistosomiasis is rarely of military concern, but epidemics have disrupted tropical operations. Acute schistosomiasis is particularly challenging to diagnose because it presents as a non-specific febrile disease, often with an urticarial rash before parasites appear in the stool. US Army combat engineers were infected during bridge construction on Leyte in the invasion of… Read more »

By G. Dennis Shanks In   Issue Volume 33 Number 1 Doi No https://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2024-45693438/JMVH