G. Dennis Shanks

Articles by G. Dennis Shanks

Antimalarial Drug Supply Issues during World War

Abstract Malaria was a major cause of casualties during World War II in the Southwest Pacific, and drug supply issues were acute strategic concerns. The capture of the cinchona plantations of Indonesia by the Japanese Imperial Army and the lack of manufacturing capacity for synthetic substitutes were significant logistical constraints that limited Allied combat operations… Read more »

By G. Dennis Shanks In   Issue Antimalarial Drug Supply Issues during World War Doi No https://doi-ds.org/doilink/05.2024-23793435/JMVH

Infectious Disease Mortality in Deployed Soldiers during the Spanish American War

The Spanish–American War In 2014, the US Army deployed 2500 soldiers into Liberia, West Africa, as part of a global response to an Ebola outbreak. Despite the fear of viral spread from civilians, no cases of Ebola occurred in US or UK military members, and very few febrile soldiers were seen with other complaints.1 The… Read more »

By G. Dennis Shanks In   Issue Volume 32 Number 2 Doi No https://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2023-43684259/JMVH

Dengue Epidemics During the Second World War in Queensland

Abstract: Although dengue became endemic in northern Australia in the 19th century, the enormous movement of people and material during World War II resulted in localised dengue epidemics in Queensland. Factors promoting the epidemics included mixing diverse civilian and military populations, including evacuees from tropical areas, and little focus on preventive measures until outbreaks occurred…. Read more »

By G. Dennis Shanks and Aaskov, John In   Issue Volume 32 Number 1 Doi No https://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2023-43295511/JMVH