President’s Message

By Greg Mahoney In   Issue Volume 18 No. 2


2010 is a third over and the Defence Health Symposium in Canberra from the 29th to 31st October draws ever closer. The organising committee, under the watchful eye of Dr Nader Abou-Seif and Joint Health Command, is busily organising programs, calling for papers and, inviting plenary speakers to make this symposium, a not to be missed event. Members are reminded that the call for papers closing date is the 4th June and the organising committee is particularly keen on papers from across the board spectrum of health. I look forward to seeing you there.

As this is the ANZAC edition of Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health it perhaps a poignant time to reflect on the health personnel who have or are serving our country. Recently, I attended the ANZAC ceremony at the University of Queensland’s Medical School and, looking at the names on the memorial plaque, I was stuck by their unselfishness and devotion to duty. Squadron Leader Paul McCarthy’s mother was in attendance too, and her presence drove home the grief their sacrifice imposes on the family and friends. Paul and 8 other lost their lives in a tragic helicopter crash on Nias Island. Readers may also be aware of the finding of the hospital ship, AHS Centaur, off the southern Queensland coast where all but 64 perished on the 13th May 1943.  We owe these and so many others a debt of gratitude.

Lest we forget.

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